April 22, 2008 - Camloc Backing Strips

 Time to drill out the big center holes for the Camloc recepticles.  The template helps drill it to 11/16".  The Unibits did a nice job here. 
I couldn't resist and riveted a recepticle to the bottom of the backing strip -- using the 1/8" CherryMax flush rivets provided.  They pulled fine with a cheapo rivet puller -- glad I didn't have to buy a $100 tool. 
The view from the bottom.  The grommet and stud will go through the cowl hole which I havn't dirlled yet.
 A couple of hours later, all backing strip recepticle holes are drilled. 
I made the bottom baffle bracket and trimmed off the kit bracket.  These go on top of the engine. 